Friday, November 27, 2015

25 Questions--just for fun :)

Just for fun, I'll do these 25 questions that have been floating around some of my favorite blogs:

1. Mares or Geldings? Why?
I've only ever owned geldings, mainly because importing Warmblood geldings from Europe was cheaper (no quarantine). However, I appreciate a really nice mare and would definitely own one. I've seriously considered buying mares while horse-hunting, but for some reason I found a horse that I liked better who happened to be a gelding. I don't buy into the "mares are this way, geldings are that way" stereotype, a nice horse is a nice horse. 

2. Green broke or Fully broke?
At this stage in my riding I appreciate a green-broke horse, that way I can ruin train them just how I like. I've never started a horse from start to finish, so this is a really cool experience with Calvin and I'm soaking it in. My fully broke horses usually have to "learn" my style of riding anyway, coming from European guys to some soft, weak female rider (not saying female riders are weak, just that I'm not a yank & crank kinda person). That being said, I would like to hone my skills by riding a fully-broke dressage horse, something I've never done.
my previous style, something along the lines of "maybe if I throw the reins at him and squeeze I won't mess this up"

3. Would you own a "hotter" breed?
Sure, I would own a "hot" horse. What does "hot" mean though, just more sensitive with lots of "go"? Because that's fine, however if "hot" means "crazy"--then no. Although "hot crazy" is usually created by poor training and I'm over undoing other people's mistakes. It's much easier to create something with a blank slate then undo past trauma. 

4. What was your dream horse growing up?
I think when I was really young it was the Lipizzaner horse because of the riding school in Vienna, which is kind of ironic as I've looped back around to having them as my potential next "big" purchase horse. However, once I started riding at a hunter/jumper barn it quickly became the Warmblood, more specifically Hanoverian.
I mean how could I not?

5. What kind of bits do you use and why? 
I try to use the kindest bit possible for whichever horse I'm riding. Since I started Calvy myself, he goes in a Nathe mullen mouth currently. I have an Herm Sprenger KK, a 3 peice french link, he also goes well in. I've decided the Nathe is better for the basics, such as transition work and learning to stretch into the bit. For Calvin, the KK will be used for more advanced work such as bending, half pass, etc. The KK is a soft bit still, but the Nathe is softer and in my opinion better for a baby-mouth. I do believe that "bits are only as harsh as the rider's hands" to a certain extent...but for young horses or horses just learning I always prefer a french link or rubber bit. 

6. Helmets or no helmets? 
Helmets, no question. I grew up riding English and the rule at our facility was helmets required under 18 years old, so I never questioned it. I couldn't wait to ride without a helmet once I turned 18, the only problem was that by the time I turned 18, I was old enough to realize why people wear helmets. I've jumped on occasionally without a helmet, which was stupid, and honestly I'm lucky nothing happened. Anytime someone rides a 900lb+ horse without head protection, we really are taking a huge risk, why not play it safe?

7. Favorite horse color?
Dapple gray! I never thought I'd love a gray horse, actually I used to hate them, but then naturally I bought a gray horse. I don't love the upkeep of gray horses though! 
My gray boy Kai :)

8. Least favorite horse color?
I dislike plain horses, love me some chrome, so naturally I got a plain chestnut horse ;) That being said, chestnut is just so easy to maintain. It doesn't bleach out like bay or black and doesn't show dirt/poo like gray or black either. Needless to say it's grown on me.

9. Dressage or jumping?
Classical dressage :) I do miss jumping though, but I'll never do the big stuff again. I'm too much of a bleeding-heart now and think it's too hard on their joints to jump the big fences. That being said, there's nothing cooler than an action shot of a beautiful horse jumping a massive fence.

10. How long have you been riding?
Oh geez, I've been riding since 8. But took a hiatus for about 5 years when I didn't have the funds and was attending college/beginning of grad school. 

11. Spurs/whip or no spurs/whip? 
I feel like my opinion on this matter changes every day. I think best case scenario a horse should do everything you're asking without spurs/whip, but I don't think things are so black and white. For example, Calvin is lazy sometimes and ignores my leg. So then I either kick him like a cowboy or he gets a smack with the whip. They're both probably the same intensity and create the same response--"fine mom I'll listen." Anyway, I'm still weighing the pros and cons of whips. I'm more conscious of using my legs now, for example instead of 10 nagging soft squeezes, I'll ask twice softly and then if he still ignores I'll give him a kick. Now he's learning to go off my soft cues because he knows if he doesn't listen, he'll receive a consequence. I'll probably use spurs with the more advanced dressage moves, this way you don't have to move your leg as drastically and can just turn your heel to cue.  

12. Your first fall?
Do you ever forget your first fall? Ha! My first fall was because I really badly wanted to canter before I was ready. I saw the other kids in the arena practicing lead changes and was like "oh I can do that no problem." My trainer at the time was like whatever kid, go ahead! So I cantered and basically just bounced right off after three strides. 

My first *real* fall was on a lesson horse named Flora and we were practicing trotting in the arena.  In the parking lot next to the arena the police were practicing on motorcycles, all was fine until a motorcycle backfired. Flora took off at a dead run and I fell, but my foot was caught in my stirrup so I was being dragged. Flora managed to step on my thigh, leaving a nice horse-shoe bruise, and thankfully that's all the damage that was done. I was so scared I wanted to quit right there, but my trainer being the old school type was like "you get right back on that mare" and sure enough, I was forced to get back on. This lesson stuck with me and sure enough after every fall (that didn't end in major injury) I got right back on that goddamn horse. 

13. When was the last time you rode and what did you do?
I rode Calvy last on Turkey day! On the warmup my main focus was long & low, stretching downward and not going around like a camel. Then we practiced trot poles to help Calvin be more conscious of his feet in space. We finished our exercise with transitions, first trot-walk-halt (aced it), canter to trot (also aced), and trot to canter (needs work, getting better). For myself, I am trying to keep my hands as soft and subtle as possible, mainly using my body/legs to steer and cue for transition. We weren't drilled in this with my warmbloods, so it's definitely a learning experience and requires lots of focus. 
These pics aren't from our last ride, but same exercise

14. Most expensive piece of tack you own?
My used Kneidersuss dressage saddle, nothing crazy. 

15. How old were you when you started riding?
Answered this already--8 

16. Leather or nylon halters?
Leather is prettier of course, but nylon for practicality. I actually use rope on Calvin, not sure if there's nylon in it, but it's the best. He's tested the limits of that halter and it has held strong, smart little bugger. 

17. Leather or synthetic saddles?
Always leather for me. Other tack though...well you can read my thoughts on my last post ;)

18. What "grip" of reins do you like?
Depends what I'm doing. For showjumping I always loved the rubber, grippy reins. For dressage I prefer either slick leather or the web reins. For trail, I love my lead-rope reins that are extra long and have clip ends so I don't have to worry about Calvin snapping them.

19. English or western?
I tried the Western thing, and I absolutely love the traditional vaquero look, but I'm just an English person at heart. I will absolutely ride both, and actually I'd prefer to own both styles to suit my mood, but since I can only choose one right now ($$$), I'll stick to what I do best. 
Beautiful vaquero bridle horse

20. How many horses do you currently own/lease?
I've only ever owned one at a time, Calvin is no exception.
I'm sure he loves the individualized attention ;)

21. Do you board your horse? Self care/full board? Home board?
It's a mix of self-care/full board. Calvin shares a pasture with one other horse, so this horse's owner and myself are responsible for cleaning and feeding. We go out a few times a week and refill the 3 full-bale slow feeders and clean the pasture. The boarding facility is in charge of watering. I'd love to home board...someday :)

22. Have you ever had to put down a horse that you loved?
No, I've sold all my horses before that stage and I'm not looking forward to that day, should it ever come.

23. How many saddle pads do you have?
I have three that I'm using, 2 dressage and 1 endurance. I have a few hunter/jumper pads I need to sell...

24. Slant load trailer vs. straight load?
I don't own a trailer, but I like the straight load. However, what little research I've done shows that slant loading is more natural to how the horse would travel loose. I don't own a trailer, so I don't have to make these decisions yet.

25. Why do you ride?
I believe that it's an inherent personality trait, itt's like asking why we breathe, or why we eat. For me, it's what keeps me alive and truly happy. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Plastic Tack

I love leather.

I love the smell, the feel, the weight. I love the cleaning and conditioning process--seeing dry leather transform into supple glory.  It looks timeless, classy, and harkens back to a different era dominated by horses. Working with leather is working with a living organism: if you don't feed it, nourish it, or care for it properly-- it will crack, fall apart, and ultimately die. Nothing beats well-maintained, broken in, luxuriously soft leather.


But all these endurance people use their plastic tack in god-awful colors and rave about how freakin wonderful it is. Easy to clean, strong, soft, blah blah blah. Whatever, it's ugly, I can't deal with it. But everywhere I look...there it was....plastic tack! What is the big deal...

I just cant...

My hunter/jumper background was screaming at me, I could feel the eternal judgment of George Morris haunting me for even considering such blasphemy. But I needed a breastplate for my saddle so I figured this was a good starting place if I was ever going to venture into endurance tack land. I bought a breastplate in black, because I just can't quite make the leap into colored tack just yet (baby steps people...). I looked up decent brands and settled on a biothane Zilco breastplate: 
"I'm just going to itch my face and ruin everything while you try and take decent pics"

But I'll be damned if I didn't fall head over heels for plastic tack. And trust me...I went in skeptical and wanting to hate it... because it's PLASTIC. TACK. How could something so silly compare to the glory that is leather tack? But ugh, it did an excellent job keeping my saddle secure and fits Calvin really well. In fact, he's filled out quite a bit in his shoulder/neck and he went from the tightest hole in "horse size" to now being in the middle of the settings. Needless to say this breastplate is super adjustable. 

Plastic tack in action

Also if you stick it in the dishwasher (hehehe) it comes out looking brand new. But most days all it needs is a quick rinse with the hose. I've had it for over a year now and it still looks as good as the day I bought it. Plus there is something about spraying tack with a hose that is just so satisfying.

Spray with water and voila

While leather still holds my heart, I have learned to accept the plastic tack for what it is: convenient, easy, and functional. I'm pretty sure my next piece of tack will be biothane as well. Damn you endurance people. 

Monday, November 16, 2015

11.16.15 Update

As we head deeper into fall, we're starting to experience some rain and cooler temps. Calvin of course already has about 90% of his winter coat, so he must be pretty relieved at these cooler temps.

We worked dressage a bit and are continuing to smooth out our transition work. He likes to throw his head up when I ask for the canter from a trot. It should be just one easy, fluid, non-dramatic motion. He's due for a saddle fitting, maybe it's pinching, or maybe he's being dramatic. Who knows. Other than transitions, he's making steady progress. Every day continues to be an improvement from the previous, and really that's all I can ask for.
Sunbleached boy, does he look California or what?

Calvin enjoyed exploring this puddle and actually drank from it. 

Caught the moment he snorted at the water haha

Side note, free-feeding is working out really well for Calvin and I'm really happy with his weight going into winter. Lately, they've been eating really sporadically. Two weeks ago they ate 3 bales in 3 days (normally, one bale lasts 2-3 days!). Then the next week they would only eat 1 bale in 3 days...I don't get it. But it's nice because if they were on scheduled feeding then they might not be getting the extra calories their bodies apparently needed. I could sing the praises of free feeding forever, but that'll be another blog post ;) 
