Sunday, August 24, 2014

Last Group Trail at the Ranch

We signed up for the same ride that we did back in May. Since we're moving locations at the end of the month (see previous post), this would be our last time on this trail. Unlike last time, we were told to arrive at 8am and then we could do the trail twice since it's not that long. I could see some major improvements since the last time we did this trail. Calvin was calmer and trusted me more as the rider. He was also in better shape and took until the second time around to get tired!

It's a fun ride because you get all sorts of horseback riding levels and personalities. The scared amateurs who don't know how to control their horses and/or are afraid of their horses. The confident trail riders on dead broke horses who make riding look too easy. The advanced riders on younger/more difficult horses like myself, and the people on gaited horses who always ride in front because their horses walk so fast!
Calvin bonding with Mona Lisa. Never mind that she tried to kick him a week ago, he holds no hard feelings toward her ;)

This is Calvin's previous pasture mate Olive, he misses her and enjoyed sticking with her for most of the ride. We could actually see the ocean before the smog arrived.

Trail ride by ourselves. Sometimes he's a little too in touch with his wild heritage and will veer off the nicely paved path into the brush. Notice how it goes up to his shoulders, silly Mustang!

Overall, a nice ride to end our time at the Ranch.

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