Saturday, September 27, 2014


The daughter of the current boarding location offered to buy Calvin. Um...what? 

Your mom just complained that he was eating too much and now you want to buy him and keep him in the same place where he sliced his face open? Yeah, I don't think so. Not to mention that their personal horses are way too skinny and hooves look terrible. They also don't get ridden.

The BLM requires that you own the horse for a year before you can sell them anyway, so even if I wanted to sell Calvin (which I don't!), I can't sell him until his title comes in February. Luckily this was the perfect excuse to tell her as to why I can't sell him to some crazy people. I don't want to sell him anyway, he's such a sweet boy and really one-of-a-kind. I've had to sell all my previous horses so this once I'd like to have a horse that I can keep forever, fingers crossed. 

How could anyone sell this sweet face? 

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