Oy Vey...
These last few weeks have not gone according to plan. I've been wanting to gradually increase Calvin's workouts so that he starts to get in shape, but that didn't happen. First, I got really, really sick which knocked me out for an entire week. After that week, I had to take antibiotics which left me really weak and tired. This lead up to this week which has been full of mid-semester school work and actual work-work. If you asked Calvin though, he'd probably say that he's enjoyed this time off as he gets to just chill with his pasture mates eating food 24/7.

I wonder if spring is coming? ha! (this was one of 4) "Mom, stop taking pictures and let me eat this"
I went to see him today, I didn't have much time to spend other than doing barn chores, but I did end up turning him loose in the big arena where he ran and ran. Then when he's done he comes right back to me like "okay I got it out of my system, I can be done now." 4-year-olds...
Wanna know how I got these scars on my face? Being a curious baby horse! (and yes that's a wheelbarrow full of poop he's posing in front of...kind of fitting)
Anyway, he's getting his hooves trimmed tomorrow and his teeth floated again. I'm not sure I mentioned this, but he's not very good for the trimmer. I've worked with him in so many ways and he just doesn't want to stand still while getting his feet done. I've tried making him work every time he yanks his foot away hoping that it gets through that being obnoxious=more work. No dice. Then I tried backing him up at the advice of my trimmer as punishment for being obnoxious. Nope, didn't work. The only conclusion I could come to was: 1. he didn't like my trimmer and 2. he doesn't like being separated from his buddies. Now if any of you followed our story from the beginning, we know that Calvin is
too attached to his horsey-pasture mates. Therefore, when he doesn't see horses he gets antsy. At our old facility, he always had horses near him when his feet got done. But at this new place, he can't see them from all locations and he gets nervous. I told this to the trimmer and we finished his feet next to his pasture mates with *much* more luck. Sigh.
He's really great at supervising...
Sometimes I wonder if he'll ever learn that being separated from his pasture mates isn't the end of the world. However, I do think my trimmer is somewhat at fault--he could be more patient with a "wild" horse. It's not his job though to train Calvin, so I can see how he's not willing to be patient sometimes. Anyway...it puts me in a difficult spot because I can trim Calvin's feet no problem so training him to be better with the trimmer is hard. Ah well, we'll just call it a work in progress. Now in terms of teeth getting done, I'll have to take some quality pics of him all drugged up (i.e. under sedation). Unless of course he decides to be a perfect angel who doesn't need sedation...one can dream, right?
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