Calvin hurt his face. Where he gets these cuts I haven't the slightest idea, but if there's something sharp in his pasture he will find it. The other day he had a tiny scrape on the side of his face. I figured hmm, I'll fly spray it to keep the flies out and we'll be good. Well I come out yesterday to find that he has itched the living crap out of it and now it's a completely open wound.

After rinsing
His injury would get in the way of the bit, so I rode him in a halter on trail. That was quite the experience, I forgot how hard it is to ride a very opinionated horse in a halter. He'd be going along straight and then just randomly veer off into the brush...don't ask me. Anyway, his cut didn't effect his riding performance at all, but we just walked/trotted on the trail. Here are the pics.
Hmm, what is Calvin looking at way up there? Other horses of course

Some much needed shade
Happy horse
No more accidents okay Calvin? Sheesh.
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