Thursday, February 12, 2015

Year Anniversary!

This month is my 1 year anniversary with Calvy! I can't believe the year went by so quickly and we've made so much progress. Here he is the day I picked him up and the day I went to look at him, he had just turned 3 years old:
Scrawny boy!

Here he is at 4 years old now, taken just the other day. What a difference a year can make! He's actually starting to look less like a scrawny baby and more like a normal horse. It also helps that his tail his finally growing out. Thanks to free-feeding grass hay 24/7 he has maintained a nice weight and his coat looks wonderful as well:
So shiny!

Love this little mustang adventure. I've learned so many things owning a mustang vs. the domestic horses that I've had before. I wouldn't trade this experience for anything :)

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