Monday, March 23, 2015

Weekday Trail

Every week I drive 200 miles to work and school. To go to Calvin is another 30 miles, and frankly some days I just don't have the desire to drive anymore. I end up heading out there about twice a week though, yet I wish I could see him more. I dream of being able to get up, go out back, and being able to pet a soft horsey nose when I'm feeling stressed. I guess I'm telling you this because that's why I don't post too frequently, because well, I don't go all that frequently.
He likes to stand by me when I clean his pasture, such a love-bug

However, I did get up and out to the ranch today and it was beautiful. I was up early and got to ride before the heat started. Going during the week is fabulous because it's so peaceful, there aren't hardly any campers on the trails or a bunch of people in the grooming area. Today was a trail day, Calvin has been stuck in his corral so I figured he needed to see the world some more. I love this time of year. He was very good, we worked on transitions (walk-trot, trot-walk, walk-halt, etc) which really get him paying attention to me and learning patience, a never ending struggle ;)
Nice shot of Calvin's brand, now that he's getting his summer coat you can see it again

"Keep off grass"--looking longingly at the park we can't ride in                      I got 4 ears in this picture!

Beautiful day! 

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