Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Fail Friday

All I can say is that I'm grateful technology wasn't as prevalent during my h/j days because I had so, so many "fails" that usually constituted me and/or the horse going through a jump instead of over it. Some are still on video somewhere, perhaps if my parents ever convert their old video camera to USB I'll upload my old horse show videos (hint hint!). Luckily my mom was around to capture this lovely Calvin move. This video was taken at the same time as my previous videos, but I figured it needed it's own post to really do it justice ;) Be sure to watch to the very end:

Canter Fail! And yes, that is my dad asking "what happened?" haha. 

So you may be asking, how did that happen? Well after much analysis of the video on my end, I've come to the conclusion that Calvin decided he wanted to bulge to the left mid-corner which caused him to swing his body over the fence. I could tell he was bulging and hence, I applied right rein, but he ignored it. I probably should have used my outside leg to reinforce him staying in the arena. However I somewhat assumed he would stay in the ring since I never walk him over that tiny fence, I guess that was wishful thinking. Maybe he's telling me that he wants to be a jumper? ;)

 Anyway, no harm done and lessons learned :) 

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