Friday, September 4, 2015

Update 9.4.15

Calvin's face is looking much better, I finally bought enough stuff for a decent first-aid kit, too little too late... but better late than never?

I'd like to thank Calvin for not sending me to the hospital due to my inadequate planning leading to my health insurance dropping me for the last few weeks. Whoops! I was so paranoid riding him, perhaps he picked up on my fear and decided to behave.

Anyway, he's been really well behaved lately. It was cooler today so I turned him out, best decision on my part. He ran and ran, put on quite the show for everyone when he just did lap after lap at full gallop. Then we were hand walking around to cool off and he was so spooky for some reason, kept spinning at things that don't normally startle him. Seems like he had some energy and I'm glad I wasn't riding him!
Gas Powered! Lol, too bad I ended the video before he really powered off, but you get the gist. 

Meeting some barn peeps for a trail this weekend, it'll be nice to have company again, even if our trails aren't anything fancy.

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