Saturday, October 17, 2015

Slow and Steady Progress

It's still so hot and it's October you guys! I'm ready for some cooler weather already. Calvin has his winter coat coming in, poor guy is constantly sweating. I rode him before the barefoot trimmer came so that he'd behave himself for her and he was excellent! He had lots more energy this time, but instead of distracted energy, he translated his energy into more impulsion. We've practiced extending and collecting at the canter. We start at a normal pace, then I ask him to extend to a faster canter, then come back into a regular canter again.

For a lazy horse, he certainly loves to gallop. Any time I ask for more canter he responds with gusto and eagerly launches into what I consider his 5th gear! However, he's not as thrilled to slow down and return to a regular canter, often taking longer-than-necessary to slow down. He is usually too excited to be going quick to think about slowing down, but he eventually tired out and started listening well.
Tired and sweaty horse after our ride! 

Slowly I am starting to see progress with Calvin. He's getting older, he's less baby-brained, and really enjoys his job. The barn was unloading hay off a huge flat-bed truck next to the arena with a forklift and he kept his cool. Only when he heard airbrakes did he flinch, but that was it. We're not competing, we're not winning awards, but we're both happy, healthy, and enjoying our work. 

Also, his feet look excellent! I told my trimmer they look like works of art and she agreed. I'll have to grab some pictures soon. 

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