Monday, November 16, 2015

11.16.15 Update

As we head deeper into fall, we're starting to experience some rain and cooler temps. Calvin of course already has about 90% of his winter coat, so he must be pretty relieved at these cooler temps.

We worked dressage a bit and are continuing to smooth out our transition work. He likes to throw his head up when I ask for the canter from a trot. It should be just one easy, fluid, non-dramatic motion. He's due for a saddle fitting, maybe it's pinching, or maybe he's being dramatic. Who knows. Other than transitions, he's making steady progress. Every day continues to be an improvement from the previous, and really that's all I can ask for.
Sunbleached boy, does he look California or what?

Calvin enjoyed exploring this puddle and actually drank from it. 

Caught the moment he snorted at the water haha

Side note, free-feeding is working out really well for Calvin and I'm really happy with his weight going into winter. Lately, they've been eating really sporadically. Two weeks ago they ate 3 bales in 3 days (normally, one bale lasts 2-3 days!). Then the next week they would only eat 1 bale in 3 days...I don't get it. But it's nice because if they were on scheduled feeding then they might not be getting the extra calories their bodies apparently needed. I could sing the praises of free feeding forever, but that'll be another blog post ;) 


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