Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Calvin and I are Official

Like it says in the title, Calvin and I are official now. I have received his title! His title means that he no longer belongs to the US government and that I am his official owner meaning I can do things like sell him (nooo!) or just say I actually officially own a piece of the west :)
So cool! Side note: I really do want a burro at some point!

You can receive the title of ownership one year after receiving a mustang, but I may have procrastinated on sending the title in (oops!). Luckily the people at the BLM were very patient (thanks CJ!) and had to remind me a few times, but I eventually got it done.

Anyway, I love before and afters so here is ours!

Adoption Day 1: three years old
One Year --4 years old

He's really filled out, has had high quality feed, shiny coat, and looks more like a real cavalry mustang now. I feel like I should ride him into war or something? 

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