Thursday, March 6, 2014

Baby Steps

I forgot how young a 3 year old horse actually was. It's like dealing with a sassy toddler! He's still touchy about his feet, he'll pick them up, but has 0 patience for me cleaning them. Sometimes he'll strike or back up, really just dancing around avoiding me haha. After the workout, he was much better, this will all come with time.

Yesterday and today we practiced lunging at liberty. He is not on a line because I learned that you can't muscle your horse into stopping, it's easier with fewer things in my hands. So now, I work with him at liberty with only a lunge whip and it's easier for both of us. That's a major lesson I have already learned, you can't plan very much with horses, just go with what works!

Yesterday consisted of us learning how to go in a circle without stopping at the gate or randomly turning around because he feels like it. He also learned to give me space in my circle and when it's time to stop, I'll come to him. This teaches him to stay at the rail and not turn in thinking he's done. 

Today he was much better, it's amazing how quickly he picked up on the lunging process. I would hold the whip the the left, and he'd know that I want him to go the right. I'd hold the whip out right, and he'd learn to turn around and go left. Also, he wore a bareback pad which was no problem for him. In that regard, he acts completely saddle broke and isn't even girthy at all. 

 Here he is tracking left, no problem! (also his tail is so short due to the yearlings he used to live with munching on it, it will grow back :)

 Sniffing the ground, no rolling sir!

 At this point, I was on a mounting block next to him with leadrope reins. I pushed on his back, leaned over him, patted the other side, his butt, etc. and he could care less. I did jumping jacks next to him, even though I looked crazy, he wasn't bothered. I even lifted my leg and hit his butt like an inexperienced rider to see what he would do, but he didn't even flinch. It was so tempting to sit on him, I mean it's right there....but I wasn't wearing a time maybe! 

After our walk around the property checking out all the scary new things! He's really just a big puppy. Overall, a great training day! 

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