Monday, March 10, 2014

Best laid plans...

Another ride today in the arena working on turns and whoa. Every day he gets better with steering, he's much better bending and turning to the left, so we practice lots of right bends and turns! On our way to the arena, we stopped by the horse-eating shavings:

 Hmm maybe there is food in here...not so scary after all!

So anyway since he was so good after our ride I figured I'd let him loose in the arena and let him do what he wants. So I let him go and he starts getting all amped up and neighing for other horses. He was likely worried because he wasn't within 10 feet of another horse, and perhaps because he was just hyper, who knows. Anyway, so he starts running and bucking around this arena and about the 3rd lap of him running he just straight up jumps out of the arena and up the bank. See, here I though I was done with show-jumping but clearly he has some skill!  Here's a picture of the railing and spot where he jumped: 

How could I be mad at that face? 

 Picture of Calvin next to the fence for scale. He jumped over this railing and onto the bank that you see to the left and yes, he cleared it thankfully. He then proceeded to run to the top of this hill and start eating grass. So yes, I had to hike this hill (which gets steeper than the picture I promise) and go retrieve him. Luckily he let me catch him, but not before getting a few more massive bites of grass. 

Here's the exact place he jumped and ran up the bank. You can maybe see how he pushed the top of the railing behind him. It's funny because today was his first day wearing front and back wraps, glad I wrapped him! I was told mustangs were escape artists, I had no idea! Looks like I'll have to stick to the turnout with the 6' rails from now on. Out of all the Warmbloods I owned, none of them jumped out of an arena/pen even when the height was shorter...go figure. 

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