Friday, June 27, 2014

Boyfriend Riding Lesson

Now that finals are over, I can update everyone with what's been going on. We take our training very slowly at this age. I'll ride maybe two days a week average, once in the arena and once on the trail. On the other days, I might do groundwork (such as learning how to respect my space, hand walking on trails, etc.) or he'll just get the day off. This time though, the boyfriend got to ride!

Due to the boyfriend's work schedule, he can come out more frequently too. I gave him a lesson on Calvin and he actually did really well! We worked on posting at the trot. While posting looks easy, it's actually very difficult to learn and usually takes a few tries to find the rhythm. He actually did really well at his first lesson, especially considering he was riding a 3 year old horse! Of course, I told him that we could ride together if he would spring for another mustang ;) 

Walking Calvin around after our lesson.

I call Calvin my 4x4 horse because he's great off road! He loves climbing hills, or really anything you point him toward. Here they are trying to navigate the terrain.

 Even when we're just hand walking he enjoys paving his own trail. You can clearly see where he's supposed to be walking (same path Heidi is on) when compared to where he was actually walking. This is how he rides on the majority of trails, sometimes he'll just veer off up a hill or onto the side of the trail before I even know what's happening. By the way, horses make great hiking companions because when you get tired, you can always ride back ;) 

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