Wednesday, June 11, 2014

New Hoof Boots!

My trimmer said that if Calvin started to show tenderness from walking on rocks, then he should wear hoof boots. Hoof boots are rubber boots that you put over the horses hoof. Unlike steel shoes, the rubber gives and allows the horses' foot to flex and expand like going barefoot, yet protects them against stone bruises when going over harsh terrain. It would be like when we walk on rocks and show a bit of tenderness, that is what I was looking for in riding Calvin barefoot on rocks, just being more choosy when he walks. I had not seen any tenderness on many surfaces, I could ride him over pavement, arena, dirt, grass, small rocks, and even gravel without him flinching. It wasn't until my ride on Trail A that I noticed him being more choosey when he walked, mainly because the entire trail looks like this:
This is what the trail looks like for the entire uphill ride

Example of gravel that doesn't make him sore and as you can see, he's barefoot without any complaints.

Once at the top it isn't as rocky and you can ride for a long ways. But we did not go very far as it was so hot today.
Panorama from the top of the hill

Here are his new shoes! They are called Renegade Hoof Boots and the endurance people really enjoy them for their horses. You should see the stuff they climb, Calvin and I don't do them justice. Don't they look shnazzy? I only got them in the front feet as he's more tender with those, but I should get them for the backs too. Otherwise he might overcompensate with his front feet and could potentially injure himself.

Renegade hoof boots in yellow!

Bottom of hoof boot with tread and frog cushion

Calvin didn't really even notice he had boots on and I couldn't tell the difference in how he went. Here are some videos from me testing them out in the arena at the trot and canter (props to my mom for the great camera work!). On another note, he has learned so much in a short amount of time. He's much better in the bridle and is starting to learn that riding by himself isn't the end of the world. He still goes like a baby, not really sure where to put his feet and how to balance himself + a rider. Password is "calvin".

1 comment:

  1. My trimmer said that if Calvin started to show tenderness from walking on rocks, then he should wear hoof boots. Hoof boots are rubber boots ...
