Thursday, June 5, 2014

New Roommate

As I mentioned in one of my last posts, I was frustrated with Calvin not being able to eat his fill due to being with two fat and bossy mares. I was able to convince the barn manager that Calvin needed to eat more and that I wanted to move him in with another horse named Graf. Graf has been getting extra hay alongside his cubes so I thought that would be perfect for Calvin since he'd get extra hay as well.

So I moved him this Monday into this pasture. While it's a smaller pasture, it's more flat so he actually has more space to really run. Also, he has horses on both sides of him and only has Graf in his pasture due to it being a 2 horse pasture. I talked to Graf's owner and she was fine with free-feeding hay in a hay net too, so now they can eat whenever they want! 

I moved Calvin in and at first, they sniffed noses and then ignored each other. Well, on the left side of the pasture there's a mare and Graf think he's a stallion. So he then started to chase Calvin away from the mare and really the bottom half of the pasture. Hopefully they establish hierarchy soon so that they can become buddies, but in the meantime Calvin is getting put in his place. As one of the boarders put it, "this will teach Calvin to become a man" haha. 

Here's Calvin visiting with the horses on the right of his pasture. These are the two Tennessee Walkers that we rode with. This one is Wicked and behind, who you can barely see, is Snickers. 

I like to think Calvin kind of enjoyed getting chased around, here's a picture of him prancing with his tail up!

I was watching Graf chase Calvin and decided to snap some video! You can watch herd dynamics in action, not to mention watch how beautifully Calvin moves. The good thing about a Mustang is that he grew up around horses, so he really knows how to read their body language. Due to this, he's pretty good at avoiding getting hurt (i.e. bitten and kicked). At the beginning, you'll even hear him snort...he got pretty hyper. The password is "calvin", Enjoy! PS If you're wondering about that thing on Graf's head, it's a fly mask to keep flies out of their ears and eyes.

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