Monday, September 15, 2014


I had to go out to work today for orientation, but we finished very early so I decided to go over and see Calvin. His lacerations look very gnarly, unfortunately he popped all his staples under his jaw so he'll likely have some bigger scars than we were hoping. He's healing, but in the meantime it looks really gross, but the vet said it will heal fine. 

I told the boarders I was coming to see Calvin and they informed me that all 4 horses were together now. Um...okay? I would have liked to have known or heard how that went, but alright. I get there and see all 4 horses interacting very peacefully! Calvin only had one bite mark on his haunches and was tired, so I'm sure he ran this morning. Perhaps to get away or just running in unison. Anyway, I waited these 15 days for him to be turned out 24/7. Something I was told would happen immediately, but they were afraid to turn them all out in case a horse did something and wanted to introduce them slowly. Perhaps it worked, but I'd rather him just be thrown in and perhaps we could have avoided the vet bills from being stalled!

Anyway, the pictures below are of the 4 horses hanging out together. It was 104 but they enjoyed standing in the sun, crazy horses. Poor Calvin, his winter coat is coming in now but it is far from winter in terms of temperature! Hopefully it will cool off soon. I hosed Calvin off because I assumed that would be refreshing! 

"I'm coming mom!"

"Feed me!"

I went to look at a new boarding property today after visiting Calvin. Unfortunately, for what they charge and the distance, I don't think it will be a serious contender. Also, they don't have trails and most of these horses are boarding here because their owners can't see them very often and/or their horses are retired. Although, they took very good care of their horses and they had TONS of acreage. The good thing is that if I couldn't make it out to see Calvin often, I know he'd be safe at this place and plenty exercised! I'm checking out more properties this weekend.

Separate, multiple acre pastures

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