Saturday, September 13, 2014

Moving Again...

Today I received a message from my boarding people that starting in October, they will be increasing board as Calvin, "eats more than their horses, hay prices are going up, and their stall cleaner is increasing his prices." They're not just increasing it by $20-50 either, they spiked it up $100 more per month. Yeah...I don't think so. As I mentioned before, the mom is in the hospital and can't help out like she wanted, so boarding Calvin is apparently too much work for the father and daughter.

I thought this was a bit strange, they have three horses so I wouldn't think one more horse would be that much work, especially since I was a paying customer. I feel the need to justify to you readers that Calvin does not eat that much! This is outrageous and those who've followed my story know that his old roomie, Graf, ate much more than Calvin ever did. Calvin eats 3 flakes a day while their horses, and they have 3 horses, maybe eat 2 flakes.

Needless to say, I'm moving Calvin again! I have 3 very, very good potentials that I just need to go visit this month before he leaves the 1st of Oct. These are 2+ acre places that feed 2x/day and have been recommended by other people. The plus side to this whole ordeal is that Calvin is getting lots of trailer experience :) Stay tuned to hear more about our experience in moving toward the end of the month.

As for how Calvin is doing, he's healing up very slowly and is just the sweetest boy ever. Also, thanks to everyone who has been so supportive in this process as it's been stressful for both of us! 

Ah the good ol' days...

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