Saturday, September 27, 2014

New Home, Take 3!

Today was my final day at crazy people's house. The day started early with trying to load Calvin into the horse trailer around 9am. He was having none-of-it. He would rear and run backwards, refusing to stay in the trailer. He even ignored my carrots I was trying to coax him in with! We finally got him in the trailer and he calmed down, for some reason that threshold was more scary than being in the actual trailer. My hunch is that it's because it's a small trailer, he loaded into the 6 horse without issue. Ah well, horses will be horses.

We unloaded Calvin onto the premises and he was very well behaved. He let out a few neighs, just to make sure that everyone heard who he was! He's currently in a 24x24 stall because I need help treating his cuts still. Once his cuts are fully healed, he will go into the free-feeding pasture with the two other horses. I told the crazy people at the last place to feed him 3 flakes/day, but who knows what they were actually doing. He seemed to have lost some weight this month so I'm free feeding him in nets in his stall. Meanwhile he'll have turn-outs (being turned loose) in the large arena for some exercise.

He settled in really nicely and met his friendly horsey-neighbors. Hopefully this place is a match, already the staff have been more professional.
Happy to be eating his fill again! Although he's eyeing that larger bale.

I moved the purple net to the back of his stall, so if he want hay he'll have to switch between the white net (above) and the purple one.

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