Saturday, November 8, 2014

Baby Horse Problems

Sometimes Calvin likes to remind me that he is a 3 year old horse. This can manifest itself in many ways: Whether it be spooking at objects that aren't really scary (tarps over hay!). Or neighing for his pasture buddies because he's been separated from them for an hour, despite the fact that he always returns to them at some point. Or just his overall gangly-ness and awkward growth.

He's all legs! Still growing as you can tell because he's "butt-high" meaning that the top of his rump is higher than his withers, that reminds me, I should measure him soon. This was after his bath, as you can see he isn't tied to anything because he loves baths. This picture shows him licking the water off the metal. 

Other times his baby-ness comes out in more shocking ways, like realizing that he is loosing more teeth! 

This is a normal process thankfully. As most of you probably know, you can predict a horse's age by their teeth. Here is a good chart that shows the typical progression. Anyway, Calvin is loosing his deciduous teeth and getting his permanent ones. 

However, he had a difficult time when I gave him a whole apple. Usually horses can just chomp an apple in half with ease. Yet Calvin only has his two front teeth and bottoms, so he had to scrape off parts of the apple using the ground for leverage. Poor baby!
"Mom, why didn't you cut this up for me?!"

 Here's a video for reference showing how easily horses can eat apples when they have all their teeth.

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