Saturday, July 18, 2015


Sometimes horses are dumb. Yesterday was one of those days for Calvin.

I was casually fly spraying the herd (quick back story: flies are terrible where I'm located which makes for some miserable horses). Flies typically leave Calvin's legs alone, but I noticed there were a few more than usual around his hoof. Upon closer inspection, I found this: 

Oh great, a hoof injury. I touched it and it was tender to the touch. Luckily it was a pretty clean scrape, no blood and will hopefully heal quickly. I jogged him in the soft arena dirt to check for lameness and there it was, a very slight hitch to his jog. So no riding for at least a week when I'll recheck it again.
Upper R of heel, slight rip
Not sure how it happened, my best guess is him stepping on himself while playing or being silly.  

He was sound enough to walk though, so I hand walked him around the property. We stopped for snacks along the way :)
Dead grass is better than no grass

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