Thursday, July 2, 2015

Update 7.1.15

I've been so busy lately with finals and work, but now I may have a bit more time to update and ride. Now that it's summer, it's starting to get HOT. My Calvin training schedule has been light due to both of these factors. When I'm out at the barn I'll typically either turn him out to run, or lunge him in side reins. I'm often too tired and hot by the end of all my barn chores to actually ride. Although lately I've had some time to bareback him around the property in a halter and leadrope, for the most part he's too hot and tired to put up a fight that I can't control with just a halter. He doesn't seem to mind the lighter schedule either.

It's funny to see Calvin as the lead horse in the pasture, he herds everyone around. He'll even pin his ears and shoo the new male away. It's so strange to see him acting tough now, guess he's growing up and learning when to stick up for himself. The new mare in the pasture loves Calvin, she nickers to him whenever he leaves or comes back, it's pretty cute. It's good to know that since I can't make it every day to ride, he has plenty of company to keep him busy and happy. I'm also very happy with his new barefoot trimmer, he moves better than before and his hooves look great. Other than that, nothing new going on. Hopefully this summer we'll have the chance to trailer somewhere and go on trails, give him a vacation from his "intense" dressage training ;)

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